technology 2018

1. Google Drive:


I am using google drive for the first time in this technology course with teacher Amal. I like this application a lot, because all your documents will be in a safe place. Also where ever you go you just need a laptop, and you do not have to carry a laptop with you to every place you go. 

2. Forms:

Image result for google forms

We use it to make quizzes, with answer keys, the students students are able to know their grades immediately, and the teacher could send feedback for their students and the students could also reply.


Everyone could use it in a different way, according to his/her interest. I am going to use it post things that are related to the course I am taking and things about teaching.


Yesterday I attended a webinar that is "12 Keys to High Quality Early Childhood Inclusion" and the speaker was Kathren Wahl. It was very interesting and I like the topic vert much.

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We have a blank wall, you write anything you want on it, any where. You could like the others posts, rate and comment on them.


Webquests are inquiry based lessons in which all or part of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet. 

7. Scientific Poster:

Image result for poster logo
A usually large sheet with writings and pictures on it that is displayed as a notice, advertisement or for decoration 

8. Activinspire 

Image result for activinspire promethean
The software allows the user of the interactive board access to tools and flipchart pages in order to make interactive digital lessons and presentations.


  1. Seems Funny ! I did't do mine yet. I will as soon as possible inchAllah, I wish we will benefit from those apps that we learned. Love you

  2. Your description for the google applications is amazing and very specific!! but with respect to the webinar in this page you have to put a brief description on it and write about the webinar you had watched as a post, so you can edit it. best of luck!!!

  3. yeah, today i knew that i should write my reflection in the posts section, thank you malak

