Wednesday 7 March 2018

Webinar Journal

    Yesterday I attended a webinar that is "12 keys to high quality early childhood Inclusion" and the speaker was Kathren  Wahl.
     First of all she introduced her self briefly and thanked everyone for attending her webinars, then she said that we should connect our prior knowledge with what we are learning to today, and absolutely she is right because sometimes we need to change, modify or add to the prior knowledge we have to use it in certain situation because our communities are changing.

      Secondly, she defined inclusion briefly by telling us that it is when children are all in the same class setting and work on the same curriculum, so that they feel that they belong to the group. When students feel that they belong to a certain group, they are going to build a positive relationships among with their peers and teacher, so they will relax regulate and engage in the learning process.

      According to me this is true because not only students, each individual needs to feel that he/she belongs to be happy and productive in his/her community. Moreover she said that not only normal children who benefit from inclusion, but also children with disabilities, all parents, adults who works with children and communities. To add, she stressed the importance of inclusion for children with disabilities, and mentioned that we should see them as a child first, and their special need comes next. These children are going to imitate their friends, become more independent and self-reliant.

      Finally, she ended the webinar by saying that we need to have inclusive classroom to students with and without disabilities, to visualize their needs and take into account the differences among students.



  1. great topic, what attracted me is her mention for disability students because I know how inferior people look at them as if they know and can do nothing although they are able to do anything with love and care

  2. Building the feeling of belonging in classroom is something not easy at all, but it's really important to make our students trust each other in order to feel that they belong and it's applied on teachers as well as students. When students feel secure they will feel that they are belonged and they will improve better at school.

