Monday 9 April 2018

Free Time Please..

 Free Time Please..

Don't you think that your children need a free time to set and relax, make something that they love rather than studying?! I think yes they surely need this time. It is not fair to spend seven hours at school, then come to their homes and also set and study for several hours. Maybe here also we could blame the schools for the big bunch of assignments and tests they are giving to the students. I don not want to shift my post toward schools, I want to talk with parents. Please parents do not let you kids spent their most amazing age by just setting and studying, they should experience the world, make something that they love, in this way they will learn new skills, and maybe you will discover new talents in them. I know a mother that never let her daughter to do anything, just set and study all the time. The girl is in grade six. One day her mother left her in the room for a couple of minutes, and when she came back she found her drawing a face of a women by the fur of a robe. The mother take a picture of the woman and showed it to me and really it was more than amazing.
I want to share this quote with you:


  1. It is right that students should take a break to practice their hobbies and do what they love in their free time.

  2. I used to teach two kids from two different schools as a private teacher. One of the kids everyday used to come with a full page of homework on the agenda while the other one rarely comes with a homework. And I used to think that the school that doesn't give homework is not a good one. But now I understand that kids really need a break. And this helps them refresh their minds and be more ready to learn. Stressing children would make them hate school and negatively affects their learning. However, we should give students homework, but not too much and we also should take into consideration their complains.

