Monday 9 April 2018

Free Time Please..

 Free Time Please..

Don't you think that your children need a free time to set and relax, make something that they love rather than studying?! I think yes they surely need this time. It is not fair to spend seven hours at school, then come to their homes and also set and study for several hours. Maybe here also we could blame the schools for the big bunch of assignments and tests they are giving to the students. I don not want to shift my post toward schools, I want to talk with parents. Please parents do not let you kids spent their most amazing age by just setting and studying, they should experience the world, make something that they love, in this way they will learn new skills, and maybe you will discover new talents in them. I know a mother that never let her daughter to do anything, just set and study all the time. The girl is in grade six. One day her mother left her in the room for a couple of minutes, and when she came back she found her drawing a face of a women by the fur of a robe. The mother take a picture of the woman and showed it to me and really it was more than amazing.
I want to share this quote with you:

Parents Involvement

Parents Involvement: 

Kids whose parents are involved in their education get better grades and have higher test scores. And the more parents are involves, the more their children seem to benefit. Kids develop better social skills and show improved behavior when their parents are involved at school. Parents should go to school more often to know more about their kids and stay up-to date. It is not enough to go only on parents  meetings because students change each month, maybe negatively and maybe positively. Without no doubts this cooperation with the school will benefit the students and solves a lot of problems. Here the schools in my area most of them have three parents meetings  per year, and I think they should increase the number, maybe each month once. My aunts live in Sayda and Beirut and they told me that each month they have a meeting, and it is great! 



Life is the Art of Drawing


Monday 2 April 2018

Abusing Students

When teachers are the bullies, it is not bullying, it is Abuse and should not be tolerated! I think the worst thing that the teacher could do ever is to abuse her/his students, verbally and physically because they misbehave. Everyone in the classroom has a story that leads to misbehavior or defiance. Nine times out of ten, the story behind the misbehavior won't make you angry. It will break your heart. So the teacher should search behind this misbehavior, because sure she is going to find the cause behind it. Personally I hate teachers who abuse their students, and I think that their job is not being a teacher. A teacher is a person that loves and takes care of her students not a person that wait an opportunity to come to abuse them. You could find many videos on You-tube about how teachers change their students lives either positively or negatively. My best recommendation for you is to watch Mehmet Cengiz Oz, better known as Dr. Oz story when he was students and how his life changed.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Half Little Chick

     We chose Me and my partner Dania a story for grade four to use it designing  our lesson. The story title is "Little Half Chick" it teaches students a moral lesson which is the importance of helping others, and when you help people you are going to find someone that is going to help you when you are facing a problem.

     First of all we used the Padlet to ask the students pre_reading question, where they can read, comment and like their friends answers. Then we added the link of the story for them to listen to it. After that we used the Forms to design a reading comprehension activity using different types of questions. Moreover we put for them a link for story elements and conflict to read and then they are going to download a document to complete the graphic organizer about the story elements. 

     Here we come two our objective where the students have to write their own story and design a poster for it before acting it out for their classmates. I love working on Webquest because it make the work easier and you have a lot of opportunities to make your lesson creative. 

Monday 19 March 2018

My Struggle..

     As you know from my previous posts that I am teaching Syrians, grade one. Any one who I meet and told them that I am teaching Syrians, that said what an easy job, they do not know what I am facing in the classroom and what is the big struggle.

    The struggle is that I am teaching different ages in one class. I have from age six until age 12. I have students that were in the kindergarten the year before, and students who never entered school before. It is really hard to deal with them. Should I teach them the A B Cs or to teach them something higher in level. By the way, I am not using the book because it is a disaster. Now I am using short stories from Pinterest with easy vocab words. The letter that is highly used in the story i highlight it with some new words, easy questions, and they are really enjoying it. I hope that I am doing a good job because I am doing my best to teach them, and their is no one in the school to help me, no coordinator, and the teachers are not cooperative at all. 
