Monday 19 March 2018

My Struggle..

     As you know from my previous posts that I am teaching Syrians, grade one. Any one who I meet and told them that I am teaching Syrians, that said what an easy job, they do not know what I am facing in the classroom and what is the big struggle.

    The struggle is that I am teaching different ages in one class. I have from age six until age 12. I have students that were in the kindergarten the year before, and students who never entered school before. It is really hard to deal with them. Should I teach them the A B Cs or to teach them something higher in level. By the way, I am not using the book because it is a disaster. Now I am using short stories from Pinterest with easy vocab words. The letter that is highly used in the story i highlight it with some new words, easy questions, and they are really enjoying it. I hope that I am doing a good job because I am doing my best to teach them, and their is no one in the school to help me, no coordinator, and the teachers are not cooperative at all. 


  1. Good job Fatima! and i like the way you follow to teach the students because its very difficult nowadays to find teachers who cares about finding a ways to solve students problems
    Good Luck Dear !!

    1. I care about my students, and i want them to learn and enjoy school, and my goal is to be different from the other traditional teachers. Thank and Good Luck.

  2. I think you are doing a very good job as long as you care for those students. It seems better to use a variety of methods with those kids to help them improve and enjoy your lessons more.

    1. yes I support your idea that I should use a variety of methods to reach all the students,I am doing this from the beginning of the year, and the good results are showing off.

  3. You are absolutely right! Every person learns in a different way, that's why we should use different teaching strategies. You are doing a real good job. Best of luck dear.

