Sunday 11 March 2018

My First Day as a Teacher

     Yesterday I was talking with my friend about my first day as a teacher in the school, and I decided to share with you something funny.

     First day teaching when I entered the school I felt that I am a stranger because I don't know anyone their. I searched for the schedule to find where is the section that I must go to. By the way I teach pm shift, Syrian students, grade one. To continue, I went and stood beside the classroom waiting for the students to come, because they were having break. The students began to come, and while I was standing a student come and she made by her hand a gesture that said that I should lower my heard. I lowered my head and she said:"Where is the teacher, when is he going to come", not only her said but also several students. I was like whattttttttt, I am the teacher, I am waiting you inside the classroom and you asked where is the teacher. Maybe because I short they did not think that I am going to be their teacher. Moreover when I entered the classroom and closed the door, I started laughing without any reason, and I was thinking of opening the door and run.

     I will never forget this girl that told me that, and everyday when I see her I smile. 


  1. teaching is the hardest job but also at the same time the most interesting one. I wish for you a teaching life full of experience

  2. we will never forget the first day in teaching my story is somehow like yours, but i want to add that i cried so much after that day.

  3. I am sure you are a friendly teacher. Good luck dear!

  4. You have a good personality and i'm sure you will be a perfect teacher.Goodluck dear fatima.

  5. your experience about the first day in the teaching is very funny, actually, I expect to happen something like that to me, because of the short height that I have and makes the others don't believe me when I told them ( I am a teacher).Good luck with your teaching, you deserve the best.

  6. We all can't forget the first day of our first teaching, what if it included such a funny incident! Good luck dear and hope you'll be always known as a successful and hardworking teacher..

  7. Every teacher in her first day feels worried and in trouble,and this is very normal. I'm not a teacher now and my first worry is to see a class opposite of my dream one. Good luck!

  8. Needless to say that teaching is the most challenging job a person can have; but on the other hand it is one of the most amazing jobs where a person merges bits and pieces from his soul to his learners. Wishing you the best teaching journey because you are going to be one of the best teachers your students will have. Good Luck!

